Thursday, September 20, 2012

Review: Balance Bar Gold Chocolate Peanut Butter Bar

Chocolate and peanut butter is a good, but basic flavor combination and it not one to often get excited about.  But, when I see that Balance Bar has a "Gold" version of this classic flavor combination, I do tend to get somewhat excited because it makes me curious as to how they can make that flavor combination better. So, that leads me to another Balance Bar review with a review of this product from their Gold line of bars with the Chocolate Peanut Butter bar.  This one came along with the shipment of free demo bars that Balance provided me and is the standard 1.76 ounces with 200 calories and fourteen grams of protein.

As always, the Gold line of bars consists of "Three Indulgent Layers" and in the case of this bar, those layers are a base of rice crisp/protein mix topped by a layer of peanut butter and then the entire bar is encased in a layer of thick chocolate.  As you'd expect a bar with a basic name to be, this actual construction of this bar was pretty basic as well.  That said, when I broke the bar in half for the above photo, I was overcome with a strong smell of peanut butter, so that smell alone got me sort of interested in how much peanut butter this bar could have and see if that peanut butter is what qualified this as a Gold bar.

Well, the smell was deceptive, because once I bit into the bar, there was no peanut butter flavor.  There was no chocolate flavor either and in fact, there was really not any flavor of anything.  This bar was just a mushy mess of flavors that were blended together to resemble chocolate and peanut butter with a peanut butter smell.  Yes, the bar was chewy, but it lacked any sort of crunch from the rice crisp/protein mix.  The chocolate was thick and hearty, but lacked any sort of sweet taste.  Basically, it just existed and that's it.  It wasn't offensive, it just was just there and gave me something to chew on.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Buy It or Fly By It?  FLY BY IT.  This bar was basically just a block of chewy nothingness and when something lacks complete flavor like that, it's not worthy of getting a gold, silver or bronze (it's an Olympic year, so you knew I had to work that lame attempt at a joke in there somehow!) and I can't recommend it to anyone.  Balance Bar has a lot of good products, but this is not one of them unfortunately.


1 comment:

  1. Have to disagree 100%. After realizing that a protein bar I was eating was sweetened with the deceptive and dangerous sweetener sucralose (Splenda), I am on a mission to find a great protein bar. While this one is a bit lower in grams of protein than the one I was used to, I relaly liked the taste, the chewiness and disagree about your comments about the chocolate. I felt it was quite good.


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