I've been trying to branch out a bit more recently and one of the ways I've been doing that is trying to hit up stores that I don't ordinarily visit. Earth Fare is one of those stores and on a lot of those visits, I find new products that I have never seen in my normal stores. That said, CLIF products are certainly not new to me as I've done a ton of reviews on them, but Earth Fare did allow me to find a bar from one of the lines that I don't typically see in my normal stores. Anyway, I picked up this CLIF Kit's Organic Cherry + Pumpkins Seeds Fruits + Seed Bar for $1.49 and the bar itself is 1.7 ounces with 170 calories and four grams of protein.
One of the interesting parts about these Kit's Organic bars is that they are made of a very limited amount of ingredients and since these are so natural, most of those ingredients are typically visible. That is definitely the case of this bar as the six ingredients are organic dates, organic pumpkin seeds, organic cherries, organic apples, sea salt and organic rosemary extract. I would say that five of those six are plainly visible in the soft, pliable and sticky bar. What was also particularly interesting is that there was a dusting of seeds on the bottom of the bar, which is something a bit new for me. This bar also had SOME cherry smell, but not a lot and I honestly had to put this right next to my nose to smell it.
Biting into this provided me pretty much the same type of experience that I would get out of a Larabar, which is not surprising since both pride themselves on having a limited amount of ingredients. Soft and chewy date puree with some graininess provided by the seeds and some chewiness provided by the dried fruits. Not a ton of flavor from either, but definitely noticeable. One thing that was noticeable that I did not expect was that this bar had quite a bit of saltiness to it that I didn't expect. Fortunately, there was just enough sweetness to tame that salty flavor from getting out of control, but it was definitely potent enough that it made a difference in the flavor of this bar. That salty flavor also lingered too, so having some sort of fluid nearby to wash it out is helpful when eating this.
Buy It or Fly By It? This wasn't bad and this wasn't good. It was just edible, but it was decent enough that I'll give it a BUY IT rating because I usually save negative ratings for things that truly earn them. That said, I would say that this definitely has some value at $1.00 but I'm not sure that it does at $1.49. Ultimately though, that's for the buyer to decide and all I can say is that if you are looking for an organic option with limited ingredients, this is a feasible option.
BUY IT!! |
This particular is awesome. I'm a huge fan of dried cherries and this really stimulates the happy parts of my tastebuds. Kit's Organics are only like $1.19 at my Whole Foods, and I personally like their more savory taste than my beloved Larabars. I hate Clif, but love Kit!