Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Review: Private Selection Amaretto Cherry Cordial Ice Cream

I went through the whole Private Selection introduction spiel in my last one of these reviews, so I'll spare you the re-hash of that.  What I will say though is that the same sale on these Private Selection products at Kroger prompted me to pick up this pint of Private Selection Amaretto Cherry Cordial Ice Cream on sale for $0.99.  Each pint contains the typical four servings of gourmet ice cream and each serving comes in at 210 calories.  While not exactly healthy, it's not a total belly buster either, so that is nice.

Since I love typing out things that you can clearly read on your own, I'll just go ahead and type the product description from the front of the container, despite the fact that it is very easily readable in the photo at the beginning of this review:  "northern cherries and dark chocolate bits folded into amaretto ice cream swirled with cordial cream."  If you look at my photo above, you may begin to wonder where the cherries are and despite the fact that they are noticeably absent (save one) in my photo, I can assure you that there were plenty spread throughout the container.  I just happened to devour most of them prior to this photo.  Oops.  Another thing you can clearly observe from the photo above is that those dark chocolate bits were spread amply throughout the pint, so there would be no cheating there.  The pint itself smelled pleasantly of cherries and amaretto, so everything about this was reminiscent of a smooth summertime pleasure.

Grabbing a spoonful of the just the ice cream itself in the instance of this pint is extremely difficult due to the plethora of dark chocolate bits, so since it was unavoidable, my first spoonful included a flavor combination of the two and I'm glad it did.  It was a smooth and very mildly sweet ice cream with a tiny bit of crunch from the bits.  It had very pleasant cherry and amaretto flavoring and if this pint included just those two flavor components, it would be extremely enjoyable it itself.  But, as my wonderful re-typing of the flavor description reads, there is clearly more to this than just the ice cream and bits.  The cherries, which turn out to be harder than I would have expected since they freeze solid, add a delightful tang and additional sweetness to the package and since they are so large (above picture notwithstanding), they bring in some additional mouthfeel to the graininess of the chocolate bits.  One thing that is kind of fun about those chocolate bits is that since since are so small they immediately melt and provide a rich and decadent coating to the amaretto and cherry flavored ice cream and also to the cherries themselves.  That's a fun characteristic of many cherry cordial ice creams that I've eaten and this one certainly carries that same characteristic.

Buy It or Fly By It?  This was a perfect little mix of sweetness and decadence that made for an enjoyable fruity and chocolatey flavor combination, so it gets a BUY IT rating.  I'm not going to rate it as the best cherry cordial ice cream that I've ever tried out because I'm not sure I could fairly rate all the different ones that I've had, but I will say that this one definitely met the high bar that all those others had set and it was thoroughly enjoyable and worth a purchase if you see it at one of the Kroger family of stores.



  1. This shit is so fucking good! I've bought like 4 pints in the last month...irresistible.

  2. I WILL rate it as the BEST Cherry Cordial ice cream I've had! To be exact, Amaretto Cherry Cordial ice cream is decadent without being harshly sweet, is fragrant, textured to produce a small amount of "crunch" with its chocolate bits, creamy and beautifully encumbered with large cherries, a zillion flecks of quality chocolate that adds to its balance and texture, and a non-overbearing flavor of amaretto that creates a masterful spoonful of goodness in your mouth! If you like Chocolate and you like cherries and want something different from the run of the mill chocolate or run of the mill 'fruity' concoctions, this is the ONE! It has that Italian gourmet feeling in every bite. Seriously, rush out and buy this flavor because I don't want the stores to stop stocking it. WINNER!!!

  3. I was very disappointed with this ice "cream". By the label description, it seemed a 'near match' to my favorite brand and favorite flavor: Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate by Blue Bunny (this flavor is ONLY available at Walmart). That first taste left me quite disappointed. I tried some more a couple days later, meh, still left me disappointed. Tried a third bowl this evening, and I'm sorry, but this stuff is NOT that good. From the first bite, my first thought was ugh, this has texture more like ice MILK than it does ice CREAM. Well, if you really want to compare the difference between this and a GREAT ice cream, try Blue Bunny's Bordeaux Cherry Chocolate. It is FAR superior. The first ingredient of both is MILK, not cream, but B.B. is much creamier and smoother and the flavor is far superior..

  4. I just discovered this flavor this week per my 6 year old's random request lol LOVE IT! If you can find it, another favorite of ours is the Chocolate Almond but I haven't seen it in a long time so it might be discontinued. And the Double Vanilla is easily my favorite vanilla ice cream of anywhere.


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