Monday, June 17, 2013

Review: Yoplait Original Mountain Blueberry Low Fat Frozen Yogurt

Yoplait seems to be really pushing their low fat frozen yogurt line over the past few months.  It seems like every time I log on to one of my digital coupons websites or into my iPhone grocery store apps, I see a new coupon for Yoplait low fat frozen yogurt.  I've tried several of their flavors, but occasionally, one pops up that I haven't grabbed yet (I'll never grab those that include banana, sorry) and that leads me to today's review of this pint of Yoplait Original Mountain Blueberry Low Fat Frozen Yogurt that I grabbed on sale (before the coupon) at Kroger for $2.50.  Each pint is the typical four half-cup servings and each serving is a rather budgetary 110 calories.

So when I opened this up, I was initially met by the nice smell of blueberries and the purple/blue color of the berries themselves, which after reading the ingredient list, I found out was actually caused by the infusion of beet juice.  Not sure whether I think that is weird or whether I even care, but I do find that interesting.  When I dug my spoon in, I found that this entire pint wasn't just that beet juice inspired purple/blue color, but there was also a mix of standard white yogurt buried beneath and I wasn't expecting that.  It was a swirl of regular and blueberry flavored yogurt and I thought that was kind of fun.  What I also didn't expect was that there would be such large-sized blueberry chunks in here and as you can see above, they were certainly in there in fair amounts, so I was not going to be cheated by just one blueberry here or one blueberry there.  Granted, it wasn't overflowing with blueberries (mountain-type; whatever that means), but they were at least there and that's a positive.

In terms of flavor, I can't say that anything surprised me about this.  It's probably a good thing that Yoplait decided to do the yogurt swirl of plain and blueberry yogurt, because if this had been just blueberry yogurt the entire way through, it might have been a bit too much for people as it would have just been blueberry sweetness and tang for sixteen straight ounces.  Instead, that plain yogurt muted the tang and made this a perfectly pleasant treat to spoon through.  What also made this perfectly pleasant was the presence of those blueberries throughout the container.  They added a different textural feel and also provided an occasional pop up sweetness and tang that amped up the awesome. Okay, maybe it wasn't awesome, but it was darn tasty.

Buy It or Fly By It?  After eating this container, I have two comments.  I'm still not sure why they needed to denote that these were mountain blueberries instead of just blueberries (does that somehow make them different?) and my other comment is that I enjoyed this very much, so it gets a BUY IT rating.  Now, when they release backyard blueberry flavor or grocery store blueberry flavor, those will be interesting to try for comparison.  C'mon Yoplait, make that happen!


1 comment:

  1. I personally tried both and basically did it according to how my body felt. I always listen to my body and some mornings I kick ass with black coffee and workout on an empty stomach,


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